Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chapter 4- The Marketing Environment

Target Market

The introduction of prepaid as a price plan made mobile services available on a mass market scale. This innovation turned what was considered a luxury item in the early 1990s into an iconic item for both youth and adults by the turn of the century.

The relative popularity of prepaid versus postpaid is informative. In St. Lucia and most of the Caribbean prepaid mobile represents around 65-80%.  Digicel pushes its prepaid product as a way to introduce mobile services into progressively lower ARPU (average revenue per user) customer segments in the market. The prepaid opportunity continues to grow around the world and is expected to reach an approximate net worth of US$822 billion by 2017. The popularity of prepaid is driven by its unique and practical ability to solve almost any payment need. Its “pay as you go” concept an automatic spending control that came from the blocking of services when credit runs out helps users feel “in control”.

Traditionally, Digicel and its competitors alike, marketed the prepaid product to the younger demographics and lower income brackets.  However, today Digicel   incorporates its prepaid product in the offer to Corporate entities as well Small Business enterprises (SME)

Why has this become necessary to do so? The absence of ongoing financial commitment without monthly fees or contractual lock-ins in a challenging Economy has made prepaid price plans more attractive to Business and persons who may have once fell into the higher income bracket but now have irregular incomes or having difficulties managing their finances, as well as to those who were not convinced that they needed to use their mobile service on a regular basis.  

Digicel recognizes that the prepaid mobile market has moved beyond the credit challenged market and has become mainstream for many segments including the cost conscious user. For many, prepaid mobile is a hassle free, simple, less expensive alternative to establishing a post-paid plan. In addition, prepaid does not have the same sigma it once had as Digicel and many other prepaid mobile service providers offer smart phones and advanced feature phones to their customers. Currently 100% of Digicel postpaid smart phones are also available on the prepaid plans, additionally 85% of services offered on postpaid plans are available for prepaid users.

The customer/market segments are best summarized in the pie charts herewith, 67% postpaid and 31% prepaid







Market Segment

A further look at Digicel’s customer base, though not totally can be segmented as follows:






31% -General Public

21%- Corporate

17%- Teenagers

11%- Young Professionals

11%- SME

9% -  2nd & 3rd Level Students

Buying Behaviour

The simplified registration process and absence of credit history checks for Prepaid service promotes “impulse buying”, thereby extending the channels through which both devices and services are sold beyond Digicel retail channels to include supermarkets, convenience stores and other general retailers.

Remote Environment Analysis


St. Lucia is a parliamentary democracy modeled on the Westminster system. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, represented by a governor general, appointed by the Queen as her representative. The governor general exercises ceremonial functions, but residual powers, under the constitution, can be used at the governor general's discretion. The actual power in St. Lucia lies with the prime minister and the cabinet, usually representing the majority party in parliament.   

At the private sector level there is an active and vocal Chamber of Commerce in comparison to the civil society sector which lacks organisation and coordination for impact. The political environment is very stable with no major political pressure groups.

Legal Framework

The Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL) is the regulatory body for telecommunications in its Member States.

The NTRCs – National Telecommunications Regulatory Commissions – are the Telecommunications regulators at the national level in each Member State. They are responsible for the processing of applications and advising the Minister on the award of licenses. The NTRC’s functions include but are not limited to advising the Minister on the formulation of national policy on telecommunications matters; receiving and reviewing applications for licenses and proposed interconnection agreements between telecommunications providers and advising the Minister accordingly; ensuring compliance with standards, regulations and conditions attached to licenses; management of radio frequency spectrum; and investigating and resolving any dispute relating to interconnections or sharing of infrastructure between telecommunications providers; investigating and resolving complaints.

Current Economic Environment


St. Lucia’s economy relies primarily on the revenue generated from tourism, banana production, with additional input from small-scale manufacturing.

The level of island households living at or below the poverty level increased from 18.7 to 21.4 percent from 1995 to 2005. (As of 2006) another 16.2 percent of the island's population is vulnerable to economic shocks that could easily push them below the poverty line.
The Implementation of the Value Added Tax (VAT) in October 2012 brought about its own challenges. St. Lucians and local business are adversely feeling the effect of VAT as many small businesses has shut its doors, as they just can’t afford increases in rental space, duties and other related costs that attract VAT. 

Economic and Political Challenges: As a result of the existing economic profile and the political and governance structure the main economic and political issues can be summarized as follows:

·       Economic vulnerability caused by an open economy which is heavily dependent on external trade and one or two sectors with the absence of strong and sustainable backward and forward linkages;

·       High unemployment among the youth which has been linked to the rise in crime in the last decade;

·         Growing public sector debt;

·         High vulnerability to hurricanes and other natural disasters

Social Stratification

Although in recent years a middle class has developed, the disparities between rich and poor are extreme. Rural prosperity based on banana cultivation is now seriously threatened. The growth of suburban areas around Castries is indicative of the economic primacy of the capital; village areas continue to be marked by poverty and substandard living conditions.

Race remains an important social marker, but it is probably of less consequence than in former times

Marketing Research

It is no secret that in the Caribbean people are crazy about their cell phones.

Marketing Research conducted by Digicel indicates that the mobile market in the Caribbean continues to be among the most dynamic in the world, approximately 83% mobile penetration. In terms of both revenue and service adoption, the region will continue to be among the fastest growing in the world in the 2009-2016 period, behind only to Africa & the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. Telecoms remains one of the Caribbean’s major growth industries, particularly in the mobile telephony and data sectors with high expected rates of subscriber and revenue growth which can attract  other operators to the Caribbean

At entrance into the market in 2001, Digicel had done extensive ground work and market research in terms of what customers were looking for from a new mobile entrant, i.e. cheaper mobile plans and handsets.  There was cry in St. Lucia for competition; customers were eagerly anticipating a day where every St. Lucian could afford a mobile phone.  After 10 years of operation Digicel has taken over from the incumbent and is now the market leader with a 67% market share.
Digicel bases all business decisions on proper market research including the use of focus groups, surveys and comparing the current trend and offerings to Industry standards.

Current local research conducted by Digicel indicates that more increasingly, both consumer and corporate customers are looking for cheaper options in mobile usage.  As aforementioned, it is for this reason that Digicel is now tailoring prepaid plans for corporate customers to include closed user group options where both postpaid and prepaid users on a Business account (Corporate or SME) can call each other from the allotted bundled minutes on a account.  This customization allows Business houses to opportunity to avail themselves of prepaid services where it ties into the postpaid corporate account. 

Digicel recognizes the need to be flexible in its offerings, especially at a time when the economy is facing some serious challenges.  From the onset Digicel pinned the St. Lucia market as being predominantly prepaid based on the economic environment and spending power of the people.



Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Chapter 3 - Ethics & Social Responsibility

As a core value, Digicel believes in giving back to the community that has allowed the company to prosper from its inception. 

The Digicel Foundation and Digicel's Caring Connections are corporate responsibility programs established in 2004 with the purpose of strengthening Caribbean communities by addressing education, youth, social and cultural needs.

Digicel’s vision is to support projects which cater to educational, social and/or cultural opportunities that can inspire positive energy in young people leading to stronger self sufficient communities.

As a proactive corporate citizen, Digicel continues the long tradition of helping the community, both in terms of financial aid and volunteerism. With that in mind Digicel has added a ‘Community Involvement Month’ to its yearly calendar of activities as of 2013.

Digicel believes in continuing to help and support the communities where they live, work and socialize and must lead by example with its initiatives.

Many projects were undertaken as priority around St Lucia in 2013. The Grand Riviere Primary School library renovation, Back to School Outreach, support of the Corner Stone Humanitarian Society, support of Free Hair cutting Program, Bexon School IT Lab refurbishment, Victoria Hospital Pediatric refurbishment, renovation of the Soufriere orphanage and support of an Adult Literacy program.

Added to this, 15 less fortunate students from around the island, received scholarships from Digicel, to aid in their preparation of the new academic year.  Digicel continued with repainting several pedestrian crossings and speed humps in the city circuit that were near primary schools, and further support was given to the organizers of the La Clery Summer camp which engaged many youth in positive activities.

Digicel views the community outreach program as primarily an act of responsibility, and not merely an act of generosity. Helping someone or an organization brings out the best in the Digicel team, inspires hope, and empowers others to believe in a better future.

Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports teams, including the Special Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the title sponsor of the Caribbean Premier League.  Digicel St. Lucia also sponsors local activities like St. Lucia Jazz, Carnival, Sports Clubs, etc.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Chapter 2- Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

Digicel marketing strategy allows the company to concentrate its resources on optimal opportunities with the goals of increasing sales, driving revenue, profit, service levels, achieving a sustainable competitive advantage and maintaining its position as market leader.  The marketing strategy seeks to create customer awareness regarding the products and services that they offer, develop the customer base, and work toward building customer loyalty and referrals.


Brand Awareness and Loyalty

Digicel attempts to create and maintain Brand Loyalty by encouraging a relationship or a connection between its products and services, with  the emotional perception of the customer.
When Digicel opened its doors in St. Lucia in 2003, it positioned itself as the superior mobile company with the tagline “Digicel-  The Bigger, Better GSM Network”, clearly defining the company as the better of the two mobile operators on the island, as well ensuring to keep in the minds of the customers that they were a GSM network as opposed to the competitors CDMA network.
A few years later in 2006, Digicel decided that it was necessary to reposition the company as the competitor had now moved to a GSM network and the tagline was now “ Digicel, Expect More, Get More!.  This tagline was based strictly on customer reaction to the brand and letting customers know that Digicel are the innovators and first to market with handsets and technology.  The rebrand was to assure customers that Digicel was committed to meeting and exceeding their expectations in products and services.

Digicel’s tagline today is “Be Extraordinary!” After a decade of successfully delivering the best value, best service and the best network to customers across the Caribbean,  Digicel launched a new brand promise, ‘Be Extraordinary’.
‘Be Extraordinary’ is the next step in the evolution of the Digicel brand. It is a celebration of the ‘extraordinary in the every day’ and serves both as a motivational and inspirational call to action – and showcases Digicel’s commitment to serving its customers

Digicel also keeps the brand alive by producing different paraphernalia showcasing the brand e.g. Digicel Caps, T-Shirts, Aprons, Vendor Umbrellas, Water bottles, etc.  These items are distributed to the general public, and persons wearing it are brand promoters, island wide.  A good example is the Redcap Service at the International airport, all the men are wearing a Digicel branded Red cap on a day to day basis as part of their uniform.


Maintaining Brand Loyalty

Digicel entered the market offering an extensive portfolio of mobile phone options,  very affordable prices and 24 hours customer care service that was second to none. As a new entrant, this initial “wow” element resulted in the company’s immediate success.  This success has been maintained over the years by ensuring that the brand was kept vibrant and the customer always saw the value in the brand.  Digicel keeps encouraging brand loyalty by:

·       Keeping an exceptionally high quality of products at affordable prices- Digicel continues to offer the top brands in mobile and other products at comparable prices.
·       Providing world class Customer Care- After Sales support is essential to keeping a customer and Digicel offers 24 hours toll free customer care, which is ranked as #1 in the region.

·       Engaging its customers- via social media, PR, social events- Keeping customers in touch with on the new and exciting developments within the company and what to expect next, building momentum through these communication channels.

·       Soliciting feedback from its customers- Digicel always stays in touch with customers, This is done via third party surveys, end of call surveys through the contact centre, in store, online. Always letting the customers know that the company values their opinions and are always looking for the feedback on how to improve their products and services.

  • Give customers a reason to come back.  Digicel has loyalty programs for its customers to encourage them to stay connected with the Bigger Better Network.  Postpaid customers are giving incentives based on spend, e.g. discounted handsets.
  • Remaining relevant – Digicel always strive to keep ahead of the competition and abreast with current trends in the telecoms industry.

  • Providing Value- Digicel prides itself on offering value to its customers through its many promotions and giveaways, as more importantly its affordable pricing plans.
  • Showing appreciation- Digicel attempts to say thank you to its customers by offering in store goodies and treats e.g. traditional events like Creole day, the company will provide small samples of the local delicacies.

Target Market & Positioning

Market demand drives cell phone manufactures and service providers to offer new and improved services and functions in their mobile phones.  Research indicates that most Telcos agree that they must invest in new technologies to stay relevant to consumers. The demand for more visual interaction and entertainment with cell phones and other mobile gadgets is great and as such Digicel believes that as the company looks to the future, there is indeed an opportunity to increase brand loyalty and by extension sales. To recognize this opportunity Digicel keeps ahead of the game and abreast with new technology in an effort to continue provide the best network and ensure world class service to its customers.

Mobile devices have definitely become an important part of people's lives all over the world.  Whereas a couple of years ago the average device in the Caribbean would  last a consumer 3-5 years before being replaced, currently research indicates that it is a fraction of this time.  This may be attributed to the growing improvements in technology and the need for consumers to be on par with the latest trend.

The Mobile communications market has two main segments, personal users and business users. The users also fall into further important classification; prepaid and postpaid.  Prepay customers pay for their services in advance via top ups, credit vouchers.  Currently this is the largest segment of customers accounting for 69% of the St. Lucian mobile market, compared to 31% of customers who pay bills at the end of the month.

Online Marketing

Digicel seeks to take advantage of online opportunities through its website and facebook page, to market and sell its products and adapt its marketing efforts to embrace a new breed of web-savvy customers.
Online marketing, Social media allows the company a cheaper option when compared to television, radio, print etc, to create awareness of its products & services and major promotions.

Digicel recognizes the benefit of online advertising in that it allows the immediate publishing of information and content that is not limited by geography or time. Online advertising allows for the customization of advertisements, including content and posted websites.
Online advertisements also offers the company various forms of animation; comprising all sorts of banner, e-mail, in-game, and keyword advertising, with the inclusion of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Web-related advertising allows for a variety of ways to publicize and reach a niche audience and helps the company to focus its attention to a specific group when needed.
The other benefits of online advertising the company has cited are reduced costs compared to traditional media and that it offers Measurability; everything can be tracked using traffic analysis tools like Google Analytics, etc.




The company also takes advantage of the traditional media and has publications of promotions, new products, community involvement, other exciting news etc, in the major News papers, radio stations, magazines as well as TV ads.

·       TV Adverts- for major promotions and sponsorships, e.g. Christmas promotion.

·       Radio- Bi weekly PR slots, discussing new products & services or promoting a specific product or service.

·       Print- Bi Weekly Press releases or adverts on exciting news, products, promotions

·        Magazines- One page advert in local magazines as and when needed.



Digicel always attempts to cultivate customer advocates by ensuring that customers are satisfied at all point of contacts, through exceptional customer service and uses different loyalty programs to encourage loyalty.  Some customers are used to develop testimonials for TV clips and radio ads.

Digicel offers a 24 hour customer care centre for all customer queries and complaints.  Digicel’s customer care is ranked as number 1 in the region.  Digicel is committed to ensuring that its staff is well trained and knowledgeable to offer world class care to all customers.

Digicel conducts quarts customer satisfaction surveys (CSS) to ensure that it is meeting and exceeding customer expectation.  The CSS result for the last survey was a 4.6 out of a total 5, and #1 when ranked against the competitor and other major retail companies such as Courts.




Sunday, February 2, 2014


Since Digicel launched in Jamaica in April 2001, the company has become one of the fastest growing mobile telecommunications operators in the Caribbean.

Digicel is today known for its strong commitment to providing its consumers with the Best Value, the Best Service and the Best network across the Caribbean.

After 12 years of operation, Digicel Group Limited has over 13 million customers across its 31 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia-Pacific. The company is renowned for delivering best value, best service and best network.

Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports teams, including the Special Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the title sponsor of the Caribbean Premier League. In the Pacific, Digicel is the proud sponsor of several national rugby teams and also sponsors the Vanuatu cricket team.

Digicel also runs a host of community-based initiatives across its markets and has set up Digicel Foundations in Jamaica, Haiti, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad and Tobago which focus on educational, cultural and social development program.

Digicel is incorporated in Bermuda and its markets comprise: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Bermuda, Bonaire, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Curacao, Dominica, El Salvador, Fiji, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Nauru, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, St Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos and Vanuatu. Digicel also has coverage in St. Martin and St. Barts in the Caribbean.

Digicel offers its customers a wide range of services, the latest handsets and tailor-made prepaid and postpaid packages to suit all lifestyles. Digicel is creating value for its consumers in many ways by offering the latest cutting-edge wireless technologies and services:

Digicel Flex is the prepaid mobile phone service that allows you to stay in control. There are no bills, no rental and no connection fee; you simply pay when you want for any product or service.

"Working through the sharing of information, expertise  and coordinating efforts to facilitate the provision of quality telecommunication services for regional, economic, social and cultural development for the Caribbean."